6 simple ways to stay hydrated

6 simple ways to stay hydrated


6 simple ways to stay hydrated


Dear Reader Drinking enough water daily is important but hard to remember. Plain water might be boring. Luckily, there are several tasty and simple ways to get your daily H2O. Six simple strategies to stay hydrated without drinking lots of water are covered here. Fruits, veggies, beverages, and smoothies make hydration tasty! Even when busy, we'll cover methods to drink more water. Drinking enough water keeps your body and skin healthy. Start using these simple tips before you're thirsty!

Why it's Important to Stay Hydrated

Your body needs water to function properly.

Circulation, metabolism, and temperature regulation require 60% water in your body. Dehydration causes fatigue, dizziness, and headaches.

Staying hydrated improves your mood and mental wellbeing.

The mind and mood may be affected by light dehydration. Drinking water boosts brainpower, happiness, and motivation. Hydration reduces stress.

Water shields joints and skin.

Skin needs water to be supple. Not drinking enough water can dry, peel, and age skin. Water soothes muscles, joints, and the spinal cord. Hydration lowers inflammation and pain in joints and muscles.

Energy and improved workouts.

Dehydration reduces blood volume, making the heart work harder to pump oxygen. Hydration increases energy and endurance because your heart works less. Hydration improves muscle and cell function, making workouts more effective.

Drinking water is beneficial. An easy way to feel better, enhance health, and perform better is to hydrate. Fill your water bottle and drink! Your body and mind will thank you.

You'll have more energy and better workouts.

Hydrate every day with water and other drinks. Six to eight eight-ounce glasses—about 2 litres—are advised.

Exercise, weather, and health can affect your needs.
An active lifestyle boosts drinking.

Active people should drink more water. Every 30 minutes of exercise, drink additional water. You must hydrate after sweating. Summer heat increases perspiration, so drink more.

Health issues may require additional water.

You'll need more water due to diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Drink more water because some medicines and supplements dehydrate you. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about increasing fluid intake with your medications.

Check for dehydration.

To ensure adequate drinking, check for thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, and dark yellow urine.

Low blood pressure, a fast heartbeat, fever, confusion, and coma can result from severe dehydration. Please seek medical attention quickly.

Hydrating requires little. Stay healthy by listening to your body, drinking extra water at key times, and drinking lots of water and other non-caffeinated beverages throughout the day. Drink up—hydration affects mood, cognition, and organ function!

Apps and Tools to Monitor Water Use

No pen and paper are needed to track water usage today. Many free or low-cost apps and programs can hydrate you. These options make it easy to drink enough water daily to stay healthy.

Water Trackers Apps

Water Balance, Daily Water, and Water Tracking are popular water tracking apps. Your water intake and glasses or bottles are tracked. The apps measure your progress, remind you to drink, and report your drinking patterns. Many free apps need in-app purchases for updates. Smartphone convenience can encourage hydration.

Fitness Trackers, Smartwatches

Some fitness, smartwatches, and medical alert gadgets track hydration. Check Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch water logging. Your height, weight, and activity level determine these trackers' daily water objectives. As you log your water consumption, the tracker indicates your progress and notifies you when you fall behind.

Smart water bottles

Smart water bottles that track intake are the latest hydration option. Thermos, Ozmo, and Hidrate Spark Hydration Bottles measure your water use and notify you when you need more. Some bottles show your daily progress by lighting up. Smart bottles cost extra but have no manual tracking.

Hydrating boosts health and performance. Using technology to encourage everyday water consumption is an easy way to stay hydrated. Optimize your water consumption today with one of these.

Drink water before, during, and after exercise.

Workout performance and recovery require hydration. Drink lots of water before exercising. Try 6–8 ounces every 15–20 minutes for 2–3 hours before exercise.

Hydrate while working out. Every 15–20 minutes, drink 4–6 ounces of water. It keeps you hydrated during exercise. Thirsty means dehydrated. Avoid thirst by drinking regularly.

Drink water after exercise to rehydrate. Keep drinking 8 ounces for hours after completing them. Every pound lost from exercising requires 16–24 ounces of water. Calculate how much to drink to rehydrate by weighing yourself before and after your workout.

Sports drinks with electrolytes can help you rehydrate after exercise. Sports drinks restore sweat with carbs and electrolytes. Most leisure activities are fine in the water. Sports drinks should be eaten after an hour of strenuous exercise.

Hydrating has several benefits. It increases energy, reduces overheating, and recovers muscles faster. Dehydration damages performance, makes you nauseous and reduces endurance. Hydrate throughout the day, especially during exercise. Your body and workout will thank you.

One of the easiest methods to boost performance and happiness is to drink water before, during, and after exercise. Hydrating is simple. Take your water bottle and drink!

Make water taste better with fruits and herbs.

Natural flavours encourage water hydration. Fruits, herbs, and veggies bring flavour and nutrition to boring water.

Citrus Splash

Juice half an orange, lemon, or lime into a pitcher of water. Vitamin C and a zesty flavour combat blandness. A few mint leaves and sparkling water provide zing. Cool blend for summer.

Berry Infusion

Mix raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries with water in a pitcher. Berries sweeten and redden water. Longer steeping enhances flavour. Keep the berries in or strain them out for a fruity punch with every drink.

Cucumber Spa Water

Cut a cucumber and put it in a pitcher for refreshing cucumber water. The pleasant melon flavour of cucumber complements water. Increase the taste of cucumber by infusing it overnight in the fridge. The spa treat hydrates within.

Herbal tea water

Make herbal tea with a few tea bags or loose leaves in boiling water. Pour your tea into a pitcher with equal cold water after steeping to your liking. Combining hot and cold water is refreshing; tea provides antioxidants. I recommend mint, chamomile, and hibiscus teas.

Hydrating with natural products is tasty. There are so many options that drinking water will never bore you. Never before has hydration tasted so wonderful!


Six simple, sippable ways to stay hydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated is easy—fill your water bottle in the morning and drink fruity tea at night. Don't drink more while thirsty. Instead, try one of these natural body rejuvenators. Hydration improves skin, vitality, and wellness. Choose water over plastic bottles to protect your kidneys and the environment. Drink up, buttercup! Hydrating regularly is good.