What Are The Effects Of Less Than 6 Hours Of Sleep On The Body? || lifestyletipsvtrick

What Are The Effects Of Less Than 6 Hours Of Sleep On The Body? || lifestyletipsvtrick

What Are The Effects Of Less Than 6 Hours Of Sleep On The Body? || lifestyletipsvtrick

Do you know if you are accustomed to sleeping less than 6 hours a day, what effects it has on the body?

It will be difficult to believe, but this one habit can cause many diseases while other problems are different.

So know about the effects of less than 6 hours of sleep on the body.

Drowsiness Increases The Risk Of Accidents

Lack of sleep is considered a major cause of traffic accidents.

In this regard, during a study in the United States, it was discovered that 1,500 to 2,000 deaths occur in traffic accidents every year due to drowsiness caused by lack of sleep.

The problem is more common in people under the age of 25.

Research reports have also shown that lack of sleep also increases the likelihood of getting injured during office work.

Mental Functions Are Affected

Sleep is essential for thinking, understanding, and learning.

Lack of sleep has a number of negative effects on mental functions, such as focusing, reacting, and problem-solving abilities, making it difficult to learn anything.

Increased Risk Of Serious Diseases

Lack of sleep increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease, heart attack, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.

Increased Risk Of Depression

Lack of sleep increases the risk of depressive symptoms over time.

A study found that patients with depression or anxiety are usually accustomed to sleeping less than 6 hours per night.

Another study found that people with insomnia were five times more likely to be diagnosed with depression than others.

If it is difficult for people with depression to sleep, then the risk of lack of sleep also increases.

Early Aging Can Occur

By sleeping less on just a few nights, the dark circles around the eyes become prominent, while they also become flowery.

But if less than 6 hours of sleep is made a habit every night, wrinkles also start to appear on the face while the elasticity of the skin decreases.

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According to research reports, insufficient sleep releases the stress hormone cortisol in the body and it affects the health of the skin.

You can be a fool

If you want to improve memory, make sure to get proper sleep.

A study found that during sleep, our brain preserves memories in a solid way and thus creates long-term memories.

Increases The Risk Of Obesity

Lack of sleep increases the risk of body weight gain.

According to research reports, lack of sleep increases appetite and desire to eat, which can increase body weight.

One study found that less than 6 hours of sleep increased the risk of obesity by 30 percent.

People suffering from insomnia have an increased desire for high fat and sugary foods and these foods lead to obesity.

Marital Relationships May Be Affected

Problems such as irritability and fatigue are common in men and women with lack of sleep, which can affect their relationship with their spouse.۔

Increased Risk Of Death

A study found that people who slept less than 6 hours per night doubled the risk of death from any cause.

The study was conducted on 10,000 people for two decades, after which this result came.

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