Starting Yoga can be daunting for newcomers

Starting Yoga can be daunting for newcomers

Yoga provides both physical and mental wellbeing benefits for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, making it an excellent practice choice. Newcomers to the practice may feel intimidated by complex poses or lengthy routines at first, yet yoga can easily be tailored to suit individual needs - even five minutes of practice can make an enormous impactful difference on wellbeing! In this article we'll take you through an easy back-to-basics flow designed specifically to suit beginner level yoga practitioners that you can complete within five minutes!

Starting Yoga can be daunting for newcomers; Here is an effective five-minute back to basic flow yoga class for beginner.

Why Begin With a 5-Minute Yoga Flow?

Starting out slowly can help beginners ease into yoga practice more comfortably and build strength, flexibility and awareness gradually without feeling overwhelmed. Starting with something as short as five-minute flow will establish daily practices before gradually expanding over time to longer sessions.

Back-to-Basics Yoga Flow

This short yoga flow focuses on foundational poses to develop flexibility, strength and balance. While you can do it anytime of the day - morning is particularly effective as an awakening boost or evening as an unwinder - these practices should ideally be performed first thing or last thing before sleeping or at bedtime for maximum benefit!

Start in an Approachable Seated Position

Easy Pose (Sukhasana): Sit cross-legged on your mat with hands resting comfortably on knees and close eyes and take several deep breaths to center yourself before moving onto Cat-Cow Stretch Warm-ups for better flexibility and balance.

Cat-Cow Stretch: Take up a tabletop position on hands and knees and move into Cow Pose by inhaling as your arch your back, lifting head, tailbone and lifting up (Cow Pose) while exhaling as you round spine rounding forward into Cat Pose with tuck of your chin (Cat Pose). Repeat this motion for 30 seconds in sync with breathing as a movement pattern.

Strengthen Your Downward-Facing Dog by Working It Down

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Starting from tabletop position, tuck your toes under and push your hips back while simultaneously straightening arms and legs into an inverted "V". Hold for 30 seconds while breathing deeply.

Warrior II for Opening Hips.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Step your right foot between your hands, pivot your left foot out at an acute 90-degree angle, bend your knee 90 degrees while keeping it aligned with the ankle, stretch out arms parallel with floor parallel and gaze over right hand (option 2). Hold for 30 seconds on either side before switching sides.

Relax With Child's Pose

Child's Pose (Balasana): Kneel on the floor and sit back onto your heels before stretching arms forward with palms down onto ground in front of forehead resting. Breathe deeply as you hold for 30 seconds before transitioning to Savasana for final relaxation.

Savasana (Corpse Pose): When practicing Savasana, lie flat on your back with arms by your sides with palms facing up, closing eyes to completely relax yourself before staying for one minute in this pose to end your practice.


This 5-minute back-to-basics yoga flow for beginners provides the ideal starting point for anyone new to yoga, or anyone in search of a quick daily routine. Consistency is key; take this routine regularly until it becomes part of your regular schedule, gradually increasing duration as you become comfortable with poses and experiencing improvement in flexibility, strength, and well-being over time - yoga will become part of everyday routine!