What To Do To Avoid Lack Of Sleep In Ramadan ? || lifestyletipsvtrick

What To Do To Avoid Lack Of Sleep In Ramadan ? || lifestyletipsvtrick

What To Do To Avoid Lack Of Sleep In Ramadan ? || lifestyletipsvtrick

During Ramadan, there are changes in daily routines that affect sleep the most

Adequate sleep is very important for our health and affects every aspect of our personality.

Taraweeh and sehri during Ramadan change the normal sleep schedule, which affects the body clock.

Due to lack of sleep in this month, fasting people may face various problems

But you can improve your sleep duration during Ramadan by adopting a few things.

Create A Sleep Schedule

Try to get at least 4 hours of sleep after Iftar and Taraweeh until Suhoor.

From 2 hours of sleep after Suhoor and Namaz, the minimum duration of sleep throughout the night will be 6 hours.

Try To Sleep At The Same Time

Along with changing the sleep routine during Ramadan, it is important to have the same sleeping and waking hours every day.

This will help the body adapt to the change in sleep and reduce the chances of sleep deprivation.

Short Qelula

A short nap in the afternoon increases physical energy while also benefiting the ability to concentrate.

But the duration of this afternoon sleep should not be more than 20 to 30 minutes, because sleeping for a long time increases the feeling of physical and mental fatigue.

How To Reduce Sleepiness During Ramadan ?

To reduce sleepiness during Ramadan, it's important to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Eating a nutritious suhoor meal, staying hydrated throughout the day, and getting enough rest at night can help prevent fatigue. Additionally, avoiding excessive caffeine and sugar intake, taking short naps during the day, and engaging in light physical activity can also help improve energy levels. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine during Ramadan.

Take Care Of Diet

Avoid consuming high sugar or fatty foods in Iftar because the body has to work harder to digest them, which affects sleep.

Avoid drinking tea or coffee a few hours before bedtime so that restful sleep is possible.

Lack of sleep can lead to various problems during Ramadan, some of the common problems are listed below.

How Can I Keep Energy During Ramadan?

  1. Eat a nutritious suhoor meal that includes complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to provide sustained energy throughout the day.
  2. Drink plenty of water and fluids during non-fasting hours to prevent dehydration.
  3. Avoid sugary and high-fat foods that can cause a quick energy spike followed by a crash.
  4. Take short naps during the day to rest and recharge.
  5. Engage in light physical activity, such as walking or yoga, to improve circulation and energy levels.
  6. Manage stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing.
  7. Consider consulting with a healthcare professional to ensure that you are meeting your nutritional needs during Ramadan.

Headache And Irritability

The body clock plays an important role in sleep and wakefulness, and changes in this routine affect the rhythm of the body clock.

When this happens, there is more anger while some people suffer from headaches.

Adverse Effects On Mental Function

Sleep is important for mental function and lack of sleep makes it difficult to concentrate, slows down reactions and impairs problem-solving skills.

Body Weight Gain

According to medical experts, lack of sleep causes changes in the hormones that control appetite and appetite, resulting in increased hunger.

Similarly, lack of sleep makes it difficult to make healthy food choices and people tend to overeat junk food, leading to weight gain.

Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must consult their physician in this regard.

NextHelpful Ways to Avoid Fatigue and Laziness During Ramadan