What Are The Effects Of Sitting Cross Legged On Our Health? || lifestyletipsvtrick

What Are The Effects Of Sitting Cross Legged On Our Health? || lifestyletipsvtrick

What Are The Effects Of Sitting Cross Legged On Our Health? || lifestyletipsvtrick
How do you like to sit in the office?

Good at home or on the bus or in the park?

You may not have noticed, but most people find it more comfortable to sit cross-legged.

Of course, this position can be painful for a long time, but it feels comfortable.

But do you know what effects this sitting style has on the body and health?

So let's review the scientific evidence in this regard.

Effects on Hips

Research has shown that cross-legged sitting can affect the hip joints and cause them to move up and down.

Blood pressure

Research reports indicate that cross-legged sitting also affects blood flow, because the heart has to pump more blood when you sit in this position, which has a negative impact on blood flow. It affects the blood circulation.

This causes a temporary increase in blood pressure as blood begins to pool in the veins.

On a long-term basis, it can damage the blood vessels.

Effects on Bones

The longer you sit cross-legged, the greater the risk of adverse effects on the bones.

This habit results in changes in the length of the pelvic muscles and the alignment of the bones, while the alignment of the spine and hips can be affected.

Effects on legs

Prolonged cross-leggedness can also result in a tingling or tingling sensation in the legs.

This is because this posture increases pressure on the nerves and arteries of the legs and feet, resulting in temporary numbness or paralysis of the feet.

This condition lasts for one to two minutes, but repeated numbness in the legs can cause permanent nerve damage.

Neck and back

This habit also causes neck and back pain because our body is more balanced when the feet are on the floor.

Note: This article is based on details published in medical journals, readers must consult their physician in this regard.

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