Stretch Your Way Out of Sickness Now

Stretch Your Way Out of Sickness Now

Introduction: When feeling under the weather due to illness such as colds or flus, stretching exercises are an ideal way to help alleviate some of your discomfort and restore some sense of well-being. Stretches such as these improve circulation while relieving muscle tension. In this article we'll look at seven stretches that may help relieve sickness so you can start healing yourself again faster!

1. Neck Stretches: Initiate this stretch by sitting or standing up straight and slowly tilting one ear toward your shoulder before holding for 15-30 seconds before switching sides and holding each stretch for 10-15-30 seconds to help relieve tension in both your neck and upper back. This stretching may provide additional tension relief.

2. Shoulder Rolls: mes One effective technique for relieving tension in shoulders and upper back areas is rolling your shoulders back and forth for 30 seconds in either direction to create circular motion. Repeat for at least thirty seconds per direction for maximum relief of shoulder, upper back tension relief.

3. Seated Forward Bend: to perform this exercise on the floor while lying face up with legs extended in front, gradually bend your hips back while reaching forward toward your toes with hands stretched forward in front. Don't try reaching all the way; go as far as comfortably possible instead and hold for 15-30 seconds for optimal results - this stretch may help relieve tension in both lower back and hamstring areas!

4. Child's Pose (Kneeling pose): For this gentle stretch to help relax back and shoulders, kneel on the floor with big toes touching while knees spread apart, then sit back on heels while stretching arms forward on floor, resting your forehead against ground as long as 30 to 1 minutes is maintained in this position. Child's pose provides a relaxing stretch.

5. Ankle Circles: (Routine Exercise to improve circulation in legs and reduce ankle stiffness.) Sit or lie down with legs extended, slowly rotating them in circular movements in both directions until complete. This exercise can increase blood flow to legs as well as help ease ankle stiffness.

6. Cat-Cow Stretch: To do the Cat-Cow Stretch, get on your hands and knees with your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Inhale while arching back and lifting head (Cow Pose); on exhalation round back round up while tucking chin (Cat Pose); repeat this sequence for 30-60 seconds for optimal spinal mobilization.

7. Deep Breathing:

As opposed to stretching exercises, deep breathing exercises may help oxygenate your body, relax muscles and decrease stress levels. Sit or lie comfortably and take slow and deep breaths from both nostrils for several minutes at a time until completing.

Safety Precautions:

If you are suffering from fever or any severe symptoms, it's essential that you prioritize rest and seek advice from healthcare providers prior to engaging in physical activities.

All stretches should be performed gently and within your comfort zone, to avoid movements which cause any pain or discomfort.


When feeling under the weather, adding gentle stretching exercises into your daily routine may provide relief and induce relaxation. Remember that rest, hydration and proper medical attention remain key during illness; for more guidance regarding which activities may be safe or recommended by healthcare providers consult them first before engaging in any form of stretching exercises on their own. These stretches should complement rather than replace medical advice given.