Sleep Apnea Can be Related to Depression, Anxiety and Mood

Sleep Apnea Can be Related to Depression, Anxiety and Mood

Sleep is essential to our overall well-being, impacting both physical and mental wellbeing. Sleep apnea a common sleep disorder marked by repeated interruptions during breathing during restful REM slumber - has increasingly become recognized as one of the main contributors to the development and exacerbation of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and mood disorders. We will delve into its intricate relationship here.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea takes two main forms, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea. OSA occurs when throat muscles relax too deeply during sleep and block airways during respiration, leading to airway blockages; central sleep apnea, which occurs less commonly but still significant, involves failure by the brain to signal muscles to breathe during restorative rest periods.

Sleep Apnea: Contributors to Depression

Biological Factors: Sleep apnea can disrupt natural sleeping cycles by altering oxygen and carbon dioxide levels throughout the night - leading to changes that disrupt neurotransmitter release from within our brain and could ultimately contribute to depressive symptoms and cause them.

Poor Sleep Quality: Frequent awakenings and disrupted patterns associated with sleep apnea may result in chronic sleep deprivation - an established risk factor for depression.

Sleep Apnea Can Cause Inflammation: Studies have linked sleep apnea with systemic inflammation, leading to depression as well as other chronic health conditions.

Anxiety-Related Issues

Synergic Nervous System Activation: Sleep apnea can activate an overactive sympathetic nervous system responsible for initiating "fight or flight" reactions within your body - creating an elevated state of alertness which in turn contributes to anxiety symptoms.

Daytime Sleepiness: Individuals suffering from sleep apnea often exhibit excessive daytime drowsiness, leading to increased anxiety levels and impaired cognitive performance.

Brain Chemistry Changes: Sleep apnea can alter the natural balance of neurotransmitters within the brain, potentially aggravating anxiety disorders and leading to further complications in functioning.

Impact on Mood Irritability: Sleep Apnea can have serious ramifications on emotional regulation, including mood swings and difficulty controlling emotions. Sleep disruptions caused by sleep apnea can result in difficulty controlling emotions as well as increased irritability.

Reduced Quality of Life: Sleep apnea and mood disturbances combined can drastically decrease an individual's quality of life.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Recognizing the connection between sleep apnea and mental health issues is critical for early intervention and effective treatment of any potential cases of sleep apnea. If you suspect someone you know might have it, take these steps for diagnosing and treating it:

Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Share your symptoms and concerns with a healthcare provider who may refer you to a sleep specialist for further assessment.

Undergo Sleep Testing: Undergoing a professional or home sleep study to detect sleep apnea can accurately and reliably ascertain its severity.

Discover Treatment Solutions: Alternative solutions to sleep apnea may include lifestyle modifications like weight loss and positional therapy as well as continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP) or dental appliances.

Relieve Mental Illnesses: If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety or mood disorders, seek assistance from a mental health provider for appropriate therapy and treatments.


Sleep apnea's connection to depression, anxiety and mood disorders cannot be ignored; by understanding its cause and seeking timely diagnosis and treatment individuals can significantly enhance both mental health and overall quality of life. If you or anyone close to you is struggling with its effects on mental wellbeing due to sleep apnea symptoms or its impact, keep in mind that support services and effective remedies exist that can restore restful restfulness as well as emotional well-being.