5 Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat! Add protein and exercise regularly || lifestyletipsvtrick

5 Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat! Add protein and exercise regularly || lifestyletipsvtrick

5 Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat! Add protein and exercise regularly || lifestyletipsvtrick

Sometimes we lose weight, but neither exercise, nor moderation on the plate, and overall discipline are enough to get rid of all the problem areas and fat stores. One such place that often defies our efforts is the lower abdomen.

It doesn't even make sense to try to get rid of fat only in the lower abdomen, because, for example, exercises promising to tune one specific part of the body don't work. It usually works when you focus on overall weight or body modification through balanced eating, exercise, adequate fluid intake, and sleep.

Why do some people have a problem with waist fat while others don't? This is a consequence of the fact that fat reserves are stored differently in each person. Of course, genetics and diet play a role here, but also, for example, sedentary work and poor posture. In the case of women, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as a possible scar after a caesarean section, can do their work. And more fat is stored here even after menopause.

TOP 5 ways to get rid of excess fat! Get inspired by the video:

It's just fat, but…

The good news is that in the end it's just fat again, and if you get rid of it overall, it will most likely show up on your lower abdomen as well. The worse thing is that sometimes even all the effort is simply not enough, even if you are overall slim, the soft belly below the waist will stick to you.

For example, it may partly also be a problem with loose skin - if it would fundamentally bother you, you can undergo abdominoplasty, a surgical adjustment of the abdomen. But it is a relatively large abdominal operation with a long recovery period, which is not covered by health insurance companies.

This is, of course, the last option, first of all try to get rid of the fat in the lower part of the abdomen in a different way. It is comforting to know that appropriate changes in the diet can be at least as effective as regular exercise, but it is ideal to combine both methods.

Less carbs? Yes!

5 Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat! Add protein and exercise regularly || lifestyletipsvtrick

In any case, it is true that if you want to get rid of excess fat, you need to take in fewer calories than you can burn on a daily basis - you don't have to start counting them right away, it's usually enough to visibly reduce the portion of each meal you eat during the day, and on the contrary, add vegetables to each one. It makes sense to focus especially on excess carbohydrates, i.e. fundamentally limit sweets, reduce side dishes and replace regular bread or pasta with whole grains. You are concerned with losing fat stores, but as this study shows , for example, the restriction of carbohydrate intake had a more positive effect on weight loss than a fundamental restriction of fat intake.

Add protein and exercise

On the contrary, add protein, it is the building material for the muscles you need and at the same time it reliably saturates you for a longer period of time than, for example, carbohydrates. Proven sources of protein include lean red meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, soy and soy products. However, in order to really build or at least maintain muscle mass thanks to them, you need to move, including strengthening. Of course, you should also include abdominal exercises, but as part of the overall strengthening.

"Just as it is the case with other parts, it is also true for abdominal training that it is important to exercise it regularly in order to achieve results. At the same time, it is not advisable to overload this part and exercise every day, because then the muscles would not have room for regeneration. Beginners are recommended to do complex abdominal training 2-3 times a week, while advanced up to 4 times,"

recommends the expert. The exercises, especially for beginners, don't have to be complicated - try, for example, alternating leg placements, scissors, lying leg raises, lying opposite limb raises, or leg squats - you can find instructions on the Internet. The plank is also effective, but not very suitable for beginners.

Don't forget to drink and sleep

Learn to drink water, it is better than anything else because it contains no calories. You already have enough of them in your food, why complicate things by drinking? Pay special attention to alcohol, it contains a lot of sugar and some people do not lose weight even with moderate consumption, even if they otherwise keep it short. In addition, alcohol contributes to the storage of fat in the abdominal area.

Maybe you could try intermittent fasting, for example in the 10:14 or 16:10 model, where you don't eat for a longer period of time, but it also includes sleep, so it's not so terrible after all. And you should sleep seven to eight hours a day, otherwise you will have a hard time losing weight.

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