3 Myths That Prevent You From Losing Weight || lifestyletipsvtrick ||

3 Myths That Prevent You From Losing Weight || lifestyletipsvtrick ||

3 Myths That Prevent You From Losing Weight

1. Restrictive diets work — MYTH

Restrictive diets are tempting for those who want to lose weight fast. However, they can cause several damages to health, in addition to not effectively guaranteeing a decrease in the numbers on the scale.

Nutritionist Cris Ribas explains that these eating plans are often extreme and restrictive. Therefore, they can lead to nutritional deficiencies and negative side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, constipation, mood swings and hormonal imbalances. Nutritionist Dr. Ronan Araujo adds some problems to the list, such as anemia, muscle weakness, hair loss, and others.

In addition, it is difficult to maintain a restrictive diet in the long term, especially since it tends to be very radical. With this, the plateau effect is common - in which the person quickly regains the lost weight, or even overcomes the previous kilos.

Ronan points out that a dietary restriction can also lead to compulsive behavior. So, in addition to health risks, restrictive diets can cause eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. These disorders can bring serious risks to physical and mental health and need proper treatment.

2. (Continuous fasting is an option to lose weight — MYTH)

Fasting is used in different ways by those who want to lose weight. In the intermittent way, it is a flexible strategy, in which you eat for a certain period of the day and do not eat the rest. In the continuous form, the person fasts many times gradually, starting with 24 hours without food, 48 hours and up to a week.

The reasons that lead some to opt for the strategy of not eating are varied, from weight loss to spiritual reasons. However, the director-president of the ABLC warns that continuous fasting can lead to starvation, that is, a serious lack of nutrients. 

3 Myths That Prevent You From Losing Weight

In addition, if the goal is to lose weight, going many days without eating can also have an unpleasant effect: instead of making the body use fat as energy, it starts to consume lean mass (muscles).

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In the scientific community, there is still no consensus on intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting is seen with even more reservations. This is because a well-oriented hypocaloric diet is already capable of bringing all the benefits, such as weight loss and control and prevention of metabolic diseases.

3. (Only food and exercise are enough to lose weight — MYTH)

In fact, a healthy diet and regular physical exercise are allies in the weight loss process. However, that alone is not enough. In fact, there are several factors that contribute to weight loss, which includes everything from body hydration to mental health.  

Taking care of mental health helps to have self-control and well-being, important conditions for obtaining good results when going through weight loss. "The mind and body need to be in harmony, both being cared for equally and daily. You can't just think about one or the other, because if our mind is fragile, we usually make up for it in food", highlights Edivana Poltronieri, weight loss specialist healthy. 

Stress, more specifically, is a big enemy of weight loss. This is because it increases the levels of cortisol in the body, a hormone responsible for releasing adrenaline and insulin in the body, as a defense mechanism. With that, our central nervous system understands that we need more energy, generating more anxiety and contributing to food compulsion.

Another hormone can also disrupt weight loss: leptin, released with poor quality sleep. With it in low production, we automatically increase calorie consumption beyond what is necessary. At the same time, the hunger hormone increases (ghrelin). The result is quite predictable.

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